Did you know San Francisco hosted the greenest surf contest ever, and possibly the greenest athletic event in the world? You may know that Kelly Slater won his 11th World Title (twice), but this is the story behind the story.
Do you know what it takes to create an athletic event which diverts 90% of waste away from the landfill? While waste diversion is just a piece of the puzzle (see the full breakdown @ Sustainable Surf: Final Report), it required constant supervision and effort to reach the goal of 90%.
Local non-profits Sustainable Surf, the SF chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, Wastebusters, and the Ocean Beach community came together to create the greenest World Championship Tour contest ever.
Check them out:
www.sustainablesurf.org www.wastebusters.info
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Photographing a surfboard can only be done so many ways, and this was a new one for me. Ocean Beach local Mark Valenta showed us his quiver and I was able to reflect his neighborhood in his single fin. @jweiand/obb
See the whole quiver, including a sweet Paipo, over at Ocean Beach Bulletin